Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

Pelantikan Rtn Danang Atmodjo

Setelah beberapa kali mengikuti reguler meeting di Rotary Club Semarang Bojong,akhirnya pada tanggal 27 Maret 2014  Rtn Danang Atmodjo berkenan di lantik menjadi member ke 21 di Rotary Club Semarang Bojong.Clasification Rtn Danang Atmodjo adalah Komisaris PT Trans Marga Jateng.
Kami Ucapkan Selamat Datang, Selamat Bergabung dan Selamat Berkarya untuk Kemanusiaan bersama Rotary Club Semarang Bojong

Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

VOCATIONAL TALK KONSUIL (Komite Nasional Keselamatan Untuk Instalasi Listrik)

Guest Speaker :  Bp.Sri Djoko Mulyohadi Kuncoro
Topik               :  Bahaya Instalasi Listrik Serta Cara Cerdas Preventifnya

Dear P Djoko

Our meeting last night was very inspiring.  It was an amazing Vocational
Talk (and also a reunion....).
So many people didn't realise that something could be a big problem in our
home. They never knew, even think!

Your presentation was opening our mind to be aware that all part of our
house have a time usage, specially the electricity.
The Idea is to socialize the house electricity Certification , by RCSB, and
the first action is to certify the Rotarian's house.

THANK'S a lot
God Bless You

Best Regards
Stefanus Agus